– The author compares Finance Minister Smotrich to Economy Minister and criticizes the latter’s handling of the economy.
– He highlights rising prices and the lack of control over inflation despite official statistics showing stable consumer price index.
In a recent opinion piece on Haaretz, Nehemia Shtrasler compares Finance Minister Smotrich favorably to Israel’s Economy Minister. The author criticizes the Economy Minister for the rising prices and lack of control over inflation in the country, despite official statistics showing a stable consumer price index in January.
Shtrasler argues that the Economy Minister is failing to address the economic challenges facing Israel, while praising Finance Minister Smotrich for his efforts. He points out the disconnect between official statistics and the reality faced by consumers in the country.
The author’s critique sheds light on the importance of effective economic policies and management in ensuring stable prices and a thriving economy. He emphasizes the need for government officials to address the concerns of the public and take action to improve the economic situation in Israel.