
Meghan Markle tackles ‘bigger issue’ as she eyes finance deal.

1 min read


Key Points:

  • Meghan Markle struggling to land finance deals after signing with talent agency
  • Major brands hesitant to partner due to personal issues surrounding Prince Harry

Meghan Markle is facing challenges in landing major finance deals as she works on rebuilding her brand. Despite signing with the talent agency William Morris Endeavor, the Duchess of Sussex’s team is finding it difficult to secure partnerships with big brand names. Royal commentator Neil Sean highlighted that personal issues related to Prince Harry, such as his security concerns and discussions about his future, are posing obstacles for Meghan’s brand deals.

Prince Harry’s security complaints, including concerns over his protection and decisions made by the Executive Committee for the Protection of Royalty and Public Figures (Ravec) have added to the challenges faced by Meghan and Harry. Harry expressed disbelief at decisions made without consultation, leading to debates over the degree of taxpayer-funded protection he should receive while in the UK.

It is noted that Harry’s change in status after stepping back from being a full-time working member of the royal family in 2020 has influenced decisions about his security. The ongoing legal battles and security concerns have impacted Meghan Markle’s efforts to establish herself in the world of finance and brand endorsements, making it a challenging time for the couple.

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